Modern Slavery Statement 2022


At CBD Direct 4U, we are committed to promoting ethical practices and social responsibility throughout our operations. We recognize the importance of addressing modern slavery and human trafficking issues and are dedicated to taking steps to prevent and combat these abuses. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment and the actions we have taken to eradicate modern slavery from our business and supply chains.

Our Commitment:

CBD Direct 4U is firmly opposed to any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, or child exploitation. We are committed to upholding human rights, dignity, and fair treatment of individuals in all aspects of our business activities. We expect the same commitment from our employees, suppliers, and partners.

Policies and Procedures:

We have implemented the following policies and procedures to combat modern slavery:

  1. Ethical Sourcing: We have established strict guidelines for sourcing products and materials from suppliers who adhere to ethical standards and respect human rights. Our procurement team conducts due diligence to ensure our suppliers comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding labor practices, including those related to modern slavery.
  2. Supplier Engagement: We engage with our suppliers to promote ethical practices and responsible sourcing. We communicate our expectations regarding labor standards, human rights, and anti-slavery practices and assess their compliance through audits and ongoing monitoring.
  3. Employee Awareness and Training: We provide training and awareness programs to our employees, educating them about modern slavery, its signs, and how to report any concerns. We encourage open communication and provide appropriate channels for reporting suspicions or instances of modern slavery within our organization or supply chains.
  4. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our policies, procedures, and due diligence processes to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery. We engage with external experts and industry initiatives to stay informed about best practices and evolving challenges in combatting modern slavery.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment:

We conduct regular risk assessments of our supply chains to identify any potential risks of modern slavery. This includes evaluating high-risk countries, sectors, and suppliers based on various indicators, such as known issues in the industry, geographical risks, and supplier profiles. We prioritize engagement with suppliers in high-risk areas to ensure they are taking appropriate measures to prevent modern slavery.

Reporting and Transparency:

CBD Direct 4U is committed to transparency and accountability. We will publish an annual statement, reporting on our progress in combatting modern slavery. This statement will be publicly available on our website, and it will outline the actions we have taken and our plans for future improvements.


CBD Direct 4U is dedicated to promoting ethical practices and eradicating modern slavery. We recognize our responsibility to protect human rights and ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from exploitation. We will continue to work diligently to prevent modern slavery and collaborate with stakeholders to drive positive change.

This Modern Slavery Statement represents our ongoing commitment to combatting modern slavery, and it will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect our progress and evolving challenges.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our Modern Slavery Statement or related issues, please contact us at +1 222 250 50505.

Date: 29-7-2023

CBD Direct 4U Management